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Idaho Pasture Pigs
The Perfect Pasture Pig
We had always wanted to venture into pigs for quite some, but we were always hesitant because of the kiddos and not wanting cratered pastures. Then in 2020 after watching a show on YouTube, we began our journey with Idaho Pasture Pigs (IPP). Our original plan was just to buy a couple feeders to butcher out and get our feet wet with that. Well that soon turned into 3 feeders and 4 breeders from Peaceful Pastures Farm. Once we got them home the rest was history. We fell absolutely in love with this breed and are continuing to add more lines to our herd.
We are striving to produce a long, thick, meaty, and structurally sound hog that excels on pasture, tastes amazing, and has a great personality.
Idaho Pasture Pigs were developed in 2006 by Shelly (Farris) Dixon who was searching for a pig that was delicious, pasture friendly, had a great disposition, and medium build. She combined the genetics of Duroc, old Berkshire, and Kune Kune to create a perfect grazing pig, the Idaho Pasture Pig. Â
With the proper mineral to grain ratio these pigs excel on pasture with very minimal rooting.
Butchering weight of 250-275 is typically met at 8-10 months depending on quality of feed.Â
Full grown boars range from 350-450 pounds and sows 250-350 pounds.Â
Breed standard IPP's should have a short to medium length upturned snout to help with grazing. Noses should be wide and not narrow. They should also be of sound structure. We prefer the bigger and longer spectrum of the IPP breed.
When provided the adequate diet, their meat will be a deep red color and have marbling, yes I said it, marbling!Â
IPP's do well in a wide variety of climates from snow capped pastures of the north, to the sandy deserts of the south.
We farrow in the early spring and also late summer to try to avoid scheduling conflicts with moving Ranch cows-or so we hope!!
Our 2023 Crosses:
Rex x Grace (Gus & Rosie) January
Snickers x Grace (Wilbur & Penny) January
Rex x Kelly (Gus & Rapunzel) January
Rex x Grace F2 (Gus & Merida) January
Gary x Heart (Red & Ariel) February
Snickers x Black Gold (Wilbur & Princess) February
Rex x Jewel (Gus & Clara) February
Gary x Black Gold F3 (Red & Dot) February
Rex x Grace F2 (Gus & Cinderella) February
Gary x Pepper (Red & Pepper) March
Rex x Maple (Gus & Maple) April
2022 IPP Prices:
Breeder: $600 per piglet
Feeder: $175 per piglet
Whole Hog: Contact us
Half Hog: Contact us
We have started our 2023 Spring Litter Waitlist and already are booking fast!
Prices subject to change without notice.
Idaho Pasture Pigs: Products
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